Copyrights: Project Surplus asserts its copyright over all original material on this website unless a contributor is explicitly named. Unless the rules of fair use apply, it is the policy of Project Surplus to obtain permission to quote excerpts from other sources.
Commenting: Project Surplus may provide for comments on particular posts. While we welcome open discussion, we reserve the right to remove comments that, in our discretion, are inapplicable or inappropriate to the topic of the discussion. Although we are not obligated to do so, you can expect us to remove any comment that is rude or aggressive or contains profanity.
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Comments that are completely off topic.
Comments, especially long ones, that are posted on multiple sites for propaganda purposes.
Trackbacks from posts that do not link back to the post that received the trackback.
Trackbacks from what appear to be spam blogs.
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A note about Hate Speech: We are likely to delete comments that reach into any of these areas may be deleted and commenters warned or banned:
Advocacy of violence on racial, gender, or ethnic grounds.
Use of ethnic, racial, or gender slurs.
Trolling on these topics.
Additionally, comments containing too many hyperlinks will automatically go into the moderation queue. Comments by other bloggers are welcome, as are relevant links to your blogs, other blogs, or media articles that relate to the topic at hand. Do not, however, simply use the comment section to post links to your site without otherwise adding to the discussion. Doing so will be considered spamming.
A note on pseudonyms: In an ideal world, Internet conversations would happen under our real names and likenesses. That would both make it easier to see each other as people rather than as targets but also tend to induce more caution than posting under the cloak of anonymity. That said, there are legitimate reasons people need to protect their identity. We ask that those who can’t post under their name establish a pseudonym, sign up for a Gravatar with an associated email account, and stick with that pseudonym over time. Doing this at least establishes a modicum of an identity in the community. Relatedly, commenters who post under pseudonyms—or who frequently change pseudonyms—will be scrutinized more closely than those who post under a “real” name with an associated email address, simply because the presumption that they are trolls is heightened.
E-Mail: The Publisher and individual post authors can be contacted at addresses listed on the contact page. The content of these messages, including the identity of the sender, is presumed for publication unless otherwise requested. Each comment and trackback to the site generates an email to the Publisher. Additionally, we receive numerous other communications related and not related to the site. The combination of these means we may receive a high volume of email and may not be able to respond to all of them. This is especially true of pitches for links from other sites. We do endeavor, with reasonable success, to read all messages that get past the spam filter.
User Privacy: See the detailed Project Surplus Privacy page.
DCMA Compliance Notice: Project Surplus will process notices of alleged infringement which it receives and will take appropriate actions as required by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the “DMCA”) and other applicable intellectual property laws. Pursuant to the DMCA, notifications of claimed copyright infringement should be sent to Project Surplus’s Designated Agent. Name/Contact Information of Designated Agent will be provided upon e-mail request.
To be effective, the notification must be in writing and contain the following information (DMCA, 17 U.S.C., Sect. 512(c)(3))
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