In my childhood home, my parents always had a large china cabinet in the dining room. Peering through the glass doors, I could see beautiful ivory-colored plates with cobalt blue flowers adorning the edges. We only brought them out for holiday dinners or when we had special company. The rest of the year, they sat in a heavy walnut colored cabinet and were more decorative than functional. By contrast, our everyday dishes were mismatched, often chipped or scratched from years of daily use by a family of six. They were roughly stacked, hidden inside kitchen cabinets. Those were the plates that served up regular meals, microwaved leftovers, and were scraped clean every single day – tangible proof of God’s goodness, provision, and faithfulness more times than I could even begin to recount. Inspired by Psalm 40:5, Project Surplus is a showcase for the every day dishes, a place to proclaim and tell the wonders of God. Here you’ll find a creative collection of mismatches and rough edges - stories and lives of real people that beautifully display the incomparable love of God.
meet the author…
My name is Ally Domercant. I spend weekday mornings behind the mic as the co-host of Karl and Crew Mornings on 90.1 FM WMBI Moody Radio in Chicago. I’m an outgoing introvert, an over-thinker, and a lover of well-crafted sentences. I studied Journalism in college and spent several years as a television news reporter, before taking a long break to be a stay-at-home wife and mom. Our family of four lived in four foreign countries in the span of 10 years, thanks to my husband’s career on the European pro basketball circuit. I speak exactly one language (two, if you count toddler-speak) and still get nervous every time I have to board an airplane. I love to interview people and help them tell their stories, which is essentially my excuse for asking way too many questions. I created Project Surplus as an online space to proclaim and tell the wonders of God and the stories of His people.
Disclaimer: The articles and views presented are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Moody Bible Institute or Moody Radio.