The Perez Family - Chicago, Illinois
Occupation: Homemaker, husband is grill cook
What Covid-19 related restrictions are in place where you live? Stay at home order.
What has been your biggest challenge during this crisis so far? My husband’s work is starting to slow down, and as a grill cook, his hours have been cut into half days with multiple days off. But praise the Lord, He is our Provider! Having a 4 and 5 year old in this time is not easy! But God is giving grace!
Describe the emotions you/your family are feeling through this crisis? It’s moments of stress or anxiety but then instantly casting my cares to the Lord. I feel like in a store I can’t window shop. I get in, get out, even getting nervous after a few minutes in one, because you just don’t know. Especially having a daughter with mild asthma, we want to be extra careful. I recently have been offered a job with the census but had to turn it down because it would be too risky.
What are you doing to help cope?: Skype, Facebook Messenger Video, texting friends and church small groups virtual meetings! Praise the Lord for technology in these times! If we didn’t have it, I would be going stir crazy as an extrovert! Our church is putting lessons and worship up for the Kids. I also enjoy daily walks or outdoors time. Praying. Jesus and coffee. Even more so!
If you have a religious background, how has this crisis affected your faith? My faith has definitely grown stronger! Through every trial I always think the joy of the Lord is my strength! This year especially with my birthday last Saturday, as an extrovert not being able to have family come over or going out to a restaurant was tough, and also making sure to focus on our daughter’s safety more so. I am so thankful for online church services. I’m pressing in with dear friends and sisters in Christ and reaching out to the Lord and seeing in what ways I can reach out to others. I almost feel more empowered and bold! The Lord knew this was coming and He prepares us for such a time as this. He is good all the time!
Have you seen any small victories in all of this for you or your family? : The ability to not stress about finances and trusting the Lord is amazing! The last couple of years I would have been freaking out but now I’m walking by faith and knowing He makes a way. I’m just so thankful to cast everything to Him! Also that my daughter is healthy and her asthma is under control! Just thankful too for community near and far! God is good!
To share your story of how you’ve been affected by Covid-19, click here.