Katie - Springfield, Illinois
Occupation: Doctors office front desk receptionist
What Covid-19 related restrictions are in place where you live? Only travel to work, home, and for groceries. All staff and patients where I work are being screened with questions and temps being take at all doors before being allowed into the building. We are running on half staff in clinic with as much administration working from home as possible.
What has been your biggest challenge during this crisis so far? Minimizing the risk to my autoimmune compromised husband. Missing my children desperately since they are safe and quarantined with my mother.
Describe the emotions you/your family are feeling through this crisis? Anxiety and fear of bringing this home.
What are you doing to help cope? Talking with friends, dark humor with my coworkers. Trying to make sure to get rest and stay hydrated and on a decent sleep schedule.
If you have a religious background, how has this crisis affected your faith? No, as someone who has faith but not structured faith it hasn’t changed the way I pray.
Have you seen any small victories in all of this for you or your family? My kids are safe and so is my mom. Thankful for FaceTime and video chats so I can see them.
To share your story of how you’ve been affected by Covid-19, click here.