Heather - Aurora, Illinois
Heather, bottom right, instructs one of her students during a remote piano lesson.
Occupation: Piano teacher and homeschool mom
What Covid-19 related restrictions are in place where you live? We are currently in a shelter-in-place. No going anywhere to be with others unless it is essential. Can still go out for walks, etc, but only with people in your house.
What has been your biggest challenge during this crisis so far? Going from face-to-face piano lessons to teaching all online. Managing a household with kiddos, a first-responder, and dealing with anxieties of the unknown. Getting connected with my sisters and brothers in Christ.
Describe the emotions you/your family are feeling through this crisis? I go from anxiety to fear to calm (God's got this). There was panic at first as my first-responder husband "hopes for the best and prepares for the worst.”
What are you doing to help cope? Getting enough sleep. Going for walks. Lots of extra time with kiddos to do things I didn't get to do with them before because we were always running. Cooking for family more because piano lessons can now be done during the day and I am free at dinner.
If you have a religious background, how has this crisis affected your faith? I have a sense that there's purpose behind all of this. I would say that this crisis has reminded me how important it is to stay connected to my creator. It hasn't drawn me closer, but it hasn't pushed me away. In fact, I would say, if anything, it has given me time to absorb and apply and to think about how I can participate more in my relationship with Christ.
Have you seen any small victories in all of this for you or your family? Silver linings:
1. Less running
2. Kids have more time with their dad and I get a day or two off of homeschooling.
3. Transition to remote piano lessons has been successful, and I have lost only 1 student out of 50.
4. God is working on my heart to be a servant. My plan is to continue teaching, regardless of whether families can pay for lessons. He's been prepping me for months for this, and I had no idea until last week why.
5. More purposeful time spent on relationships.
6. Spending less money on useless things/places/etc.
To share your story of how you’ve been affected by Covid-19, click here.